Obesity cure
Don’t want surgery? We still have answers.
Losing weight & maintaining is not as simple as it’s assumed. It’s an abnormality in the energy homeostasis and any long-term treatment involves a holistic and multidisciplinary team of doctors, dieticians, physical trainers, psychologists, and physicians.
Obesity.cure is the most scientific weight loss program as against the household remedies, fad diets, etc which have all either failed to provide weight loss or subsequent weight regain.
At Obesity.cure , our dedicated team of professionals will work with you over a specified period and ensure weight loss is definitely achieved using all scientific methods available. This also includes usage of FDA approved medications whenever needed to help in the metabolic improvement.
Why does most diets fail?
The overall principle of all dietary programs is caloric restriction.This helps fat in the body to melt to produce glucose(lipolysis).But this stops at a certain point.Once the program gets discontinued , the fat accumulation and the weight bounces back.
How to prevent this failure?
One diet will not suit all.The diets need to be planned along with other metabolism improving methodologies to help in continued weightloss and also weight maintenance on the long term.Its also important that the diets are designed in a manner one can continue for life.
How to improve metabolism?
Metabolism in simple terms means “burning capacity of the body”.It requires a physical exercise planning that improves the cardiac rate in a sustainable manner.It also requires sleep cycle correction and statures management.Newer medications are also available that helps improve metabolism.In extreme cases , bariatric surgery also helps.
Can everyone take medications for
No.Its for someone with resistant metabolism finding it difficult to lost weight.It also should be taken only by a compliant patient willing to follow a healthy lifestyle under the supervision of a physician.
Who will benefit from
the Obesity Program
• Anyone who’s motivated for long-term weight loss.
• Willing to adapt to a healthier lifestyle.
Principles enabling long-term Weight Loss