Diabetes cure
If anyone had told you, once diabetic-ever diabetic, you can confidentially say the times have changed. Yes! That’s right.
Diabetes is curable. The sugars can be brought under control without the need for any ongoing medications. With the newer understanding of the science behind type 2 diabetes, the metabolism of sugars can be controlled by a combination of interventions. This includes a team comprising of dieticians, physical trainers, diabetologists, and psychologists lead by a lifestyle coach who will work with you over a specified period to gradually fix the underlying metabolic
abnormalities in correcting the metabolism of sugars, henceby potentially REVERSING DIABETES.
How can one reverse diabetes without the
need for medications?
Most diabetic patients have adequate insulin levels in their body but do not effciently work.This is called insulin resistance.This efficiency can be improved by modulating the percentage of fat and muscle mass by a combination of customised diet and muscle strengthening exercises.Secondly , the internal fat in the body if inflamed , would require anti-inflammatory methodologies.Also a close monitoring of the glucose peaks in relation to different diets can help customise a dietary program which will reduce the peaks.This can be done by usage of IOT devices which helps in continuous glucose monitoring.
Why the doctors are not along about diabetes
One , it requires an extensive understanding on the disease pathogenesis beyond insulin and its action.Two , it requires a dedicated multidisciplinary team to support the entire journey unlike just prescribing medications.
Will it be successful all?
Mostly yes.However the patient first needs to be evaluated to have a deeper understanding of the clinical state.The most difficult challenge will be the need for a motivated patient who’s willing for a long term life style change.It may not be that easy as swallowing a tablet.
Who will benefit from Diabetes.cure program ?
• Patients with diabetes who wants to get rid of the medications
• Patients with uncontrolled diabetes with a compliant medical
• Willing to adapt to a healthier lifestyle
Principles in Diabetes reversal