The concept of surgical treatment of diabetes takes origin from Bariatricsurgery which was initially intended to treat Obesity permanently. Subsequently it was noticed that patients did not require their diabetic medications post surgery or if atal required the dosage of drugs where significantly lower as compared to the amount they had to take prior to surgery.
Consequently data started flowing into the medical field from pioneering institutes including GEM hospital and it became clear that this was related to certain
hormonal changes which bring diabetes under remission on a permanent basis. This being a ‘eureka’ moment for the medical fraternity, bariatric surgery has set a permanent seal in not just the treatment of obesity but also in the cure and remission of
diabetes. This is a big boon especially for the people of our country as India is unfortunately progressing to be called as the diabetic capital of the world. Bariatric
surgery for diabetes provides the most effective diabetic control in the short and long term compared to medical therapy. Both in terms of diabetic control and cost effectiveness (cost of lifelong drugs for diabetes and other associated diseases).
GEM Obesity & Diabetes Surgery Centre holds pride to have performed the largest numbers of such surgeries for diabetes in Asia and the only centre experienced to perform all kinds of such operations including novel procedures like Laparoscopic Duodenojejunal bypass, Laparoscopic ileal Interposition etc.