Awake…! Weight loss surgery is cashless now!!
- Dr.P.Praveen Raj
- Feb 07,2020
- 05:00 am

Are you trying multiple measures to lose weight? Sometimes, failing even after disciplined attempts. Isn’t it? Whenever your weight is uncontrollable even after lots and lots of attempts, you have to think of some advanced treatment options.
Bariatric surgery…
Bariatric surgery is an available life-saving procedure if you are suffering from obesity-related health issues like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obstructive sleep apnea, etc. It is the procedure that treats the metabolic root causes of obesity. Bariatric surgery becomes the answer when all other attempts have failed.
What is stopping you then?
Yes… The cost is definitely a consideration. Currently, the average cost of bariatric surgery is 3 to 4 lakhs. When you think about its cost, it may pull you back to hold the plan for a while, to arrange the financial part. This is a common scenario in almost all Indian families.
Twin issues…
As a person with obesity, you started facing twin issues now. On one hand, obesity already burdens you with social isolation, physical issues, and mental trauma. Bariatric surgery’s cost also could make you panic on other hand.
Good news for you…
If you are also experiencing the same, there is “REAL GOOD NEWS” for you!!!
How is it possible?
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has given guidelines in 2019 to include Bariatric Surgery under the health insurance plans. Since then, it has been beneficial to many people suffering from obesity and complications.
What are the criteria to get the claim approved?
- BMI should be 40 or more
- Planning Bariatric surgery for health reasons, not for cosmetic reasons
- Should get a surgeon’s prescription as surgery is mandatory.
- Policyholders should have completed the sufficient waiting period.
Will all policies cover bariatric surgery?
Currently, almost all private insurance companies policies that are holding a sufficient package have started covering bariatric surgery.
Can I go for cashless?
Yes! There are cashless claim options also available in certain insurances like a comprehensive package in star health, HDFC, and all corporate insurances. Even some insurance companies are providing reimbursement facilities too.